Bicycle Trainer - Rider Profile Dennis Ng

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Bicycle Trainer - Rider Profile Dennis Ng

"Hi Tai Woon,
As promised, I will share my journey into regular cycling with you and hopefully it will inspire more people to take up cycling as a way of commuting as well as staying fit and healthy. I will be 65 in a few months. I have learnt to cycle since 5 years old. 
Rocking it with a cool sunshade!
My first �long� ride was from Braddell road to JB with a friend in 1965. Without my parents� knowledge of course. During those days, there were not much cars on the road. However, did not cycle much thereafter.
Before cycling, my regular exercise was running. As age catches up, my leg muscles also got weaker and my running distance was getting shorter and slower. So I decided to give cycling a shot as it is a low impact activity. 
Through cycling, I discovered that I was seeing a lot more places that I would not have visited. My regular cycling started in 2014 when my elder brother, Steven Ng, added me to LCSG. 
Thats how I looked in 2014. With my belly abit round. :) 
My first ride with LCSG was to Sembawang Park on 19 May 2014. During those rides with LCSG, I met Jimmy Kam. After the LCSG ride from Punggol to Marina Bay East to watch our 2014 NDP fireworks, he introduced me to a group of seniors that ride regularly. He also brought me to many places and PCNs that I have never been before and that�s what made me wants to explore and discover more interesting places.
My ride kakis 
Most of the regular riders in the group are retirees in their 60s and 70s except a couple of them in their late 40s. Usually about 6 to 8 riders in each ride. Our rides are usually quite relaxed. Old engine cannot be stressed too much lah. However will �qiong� when we are at a long straight stretch like the Changi Coast Road PCN.
Always hunting for C&G (cheap and good) food. (i.e. $2.00 for mixed veg rice with 2 vegs and 1 meat). It�s like winning a trophy each time we find a cheap meal. It�s a simple joy.
This group of old folks prefer to ride on PCN and pavement. We will only ride on the road when there is not much traffic. We are mindful that our reaction and eyesight is not at its best.
Our favourite RI route is from Halus to Punggol Waterway, Yishun, Admiralty, Woodlands Road, Sungei Kadut, Pang Sua PCN, B. Batok, Ulu Pandan PCN, Alexander PCN, Promenade, MBS, ECP, CV and home sweet home. I think our favourite part is along Ulu Pandan PCN until Ghim Moh. Total distance of this RI route is about 100 km. Sometimes we do it clock wise. When we reach Admiralty West, everyone will complain about those slopes as it was at the tail end of our ride when everyone was tired. Other than our long ride occasionally, we are usually quite relaxed. Stop whenever we need to, continue chatting when the subject is interesting. I guess that�s what makes the group clicked.
Riding three times a weeks and each ride covering above 50km, we ran out of idea quickly. So re-visiting places is quite normal. We will ride the same route with a little tweak like going through HDB estate and a little detour here and there and surprisingly not many riders can remember the route. And this is also part of the fun.
We also like places like those black and white bungalows near Sembawang Park, Canada Road and also Wessex Estate. Our most visited place, I think, it�s the Bay area. We never got tired of it. Its so beautiful and Singaporean should be proud of it. In short, we go everywhere in Singapore.
My furthest venture with the group was to Paken Nanas in JB.
Cycling keeps mine mind focus and alert. Always looking out for obstacles, uneven roads, pedestrians, motor vehicles etc. As we do not plan our route, we change our route according to the calling of our stomach and time constrain and usually there is no objection from the group.
It is a joy to ride with those buddies. We joke, we laugh and make fun of each other without any hard feeling. A group of very nice uncles.
I am not a strong rider but very happy with the achievement within 2 years. Important thing is to stay mobile and healthy for as long as possible so that I don�t have to burden my children. Please feel free to ask if you need any more input." 
Dennis Ng 

Taiwoon: That's so inspiring Dennis! I love the fact you found a group of kakis whom u can meet up regularly, cycle and find the "C and G". Keep on rolling and thank you so much for sharing your story!

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